Learn Flask: Fundamentals

Offered By: Codecademy


Flask Courses Web Development Courses Python Courses HTTP Requests Courses

Course Description


Build your first Flask app, a web framework that allows you to build fully-featured web applications using Python.
Ready to start your journey into the Flask web framework? Take Learn Flask: Fundamentals—Python is a powerful, general-purpose programming language used by novices, scientific researchers, software engineers, and data scientists. Flask is a web framework that allows you to build fully-featured web applications using Python.

### Skills you’ll gain
* Explore the building blocks of back-end web architecture.
* Recognize how web browsers communicate with the internet.
* Build your first Flask app that handles requests via routes.

### Notes on prerequisites
We recommend that you complete [Learn Python 3](https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-python-3) before starting this course.


  • Introduction to Flask: Learn the basics of the Flask framework and create your own web application!
    • Informational: Introduction to Web Apps with Flask
    • Lesson: What is the Back-end?
    • Article: HTTP Requests
    • Lesson: Build Your First Flask App
    • Quiz: Build Your First App
    • Project: Adopt a Pet
    • Informational: Next Steps

Taught by

Jace van Auken

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