ZombieLoad - Leaking Data on Intel CPUs
Offered By: Black Hat via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the ZombieLoad vulnerability affecting Intel CPUs in this 35-minute Black Hat conference talk. Delve into the intricacies of CPU architecture, microarchitecture, and the Meltdown vulnerability. Learn about the discovery of "weird data" and the absence of noise in certain CPU operations. Understand how ZombieLoad exploits lazy fault handling and transient execution to leak arbitrary memory. Watch demonstrations showcasing data leakage techniques, including a variant capable of recovering audio. Gain insights into the implications of this hardware vulnerability and its potential impact on CPU security guarantees.
CPU Architecture
Micro Architecture
Weird Data
No Noise
ZombieLoad Song
Can you leak data
Can you leak all data
Second Variant
Recovering Audio
ZombieLoad Movie
Taught by
Black Hat
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