YTsaurus as a Distributed Coordination Service

Offered By: Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube


Distributed Systems Courses Apache ZooKeeper Courses Distributed Computing Courses Service Discovery Courses etcd Courses

Course Description


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Explore the potential of YTsaurus as a distributed coordination service in this informative conference talk from Ubuntu Summit 2023. Delve into the challenges of building multi-server systems and learn how YTsaurus, a recently open-sourced big data storage and processing system, can simplify distributed systems design. Compare YTsaurus with established coordination systems like Apache Zookeeper, etcd, and Consul, and discover its rich functionality for solving common distributed coordination problems such as service discovery, leader election, barriers, and exactly-once message processing. Gain valuable insights into how YTsaurus can assist developers in creating robust and efficient distributed systems, potentially revolutionizing the way you approach complex multi-server architectures.


YTsaurus as a Distributed Coordination Service

Taught by

Ubuntu OnAir

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