Dealing with UEFI Secure Boot Using Yocto Project

Offered By: Yocto Project via YouTube


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Course Description


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Explore the advanced implementation of UEFI Secure Boot using the Yocto Project in this 34-minute presentation. Build upon the basics of the meta-secure-core layer with a brief recap of UEFI Secure Boot before diving into continued efforts and solutions for previously discussed challenges. Gain insights into professional implementation of UEFI Secure Boot support in production environments. Learn about the comprehensive process of implementing this critical functionality in ongoing projects, from analyzing the UEFI BIOS to seamless integration and long-term maintenance. Discover how the Yocto Project, specifically the meta-dts layer, supports these efforts. Increase your awareness of the complexities involved in implementing UEFI Secure Boot in real-world scenarios.


YPS 2023.11 - 2023/11/29 - Tomasz Żyjewski - Dealing with UEFI Secure Boot using Yocto Project

Taught by

Yocto Project

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