Embedded Containers: Exploring Containerization for Embedded Systems - YPS 2023.11

Offered By: Yocto Project via YouTube


Containers Courses Embedded Systems Courses Linux Courses Virtualization Courses Yocto Project Courses Containerization Courses Embedded Linux Courses

Course Description


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Explore containerization for embedded systems in this hands-on class. Learn the differences between containers and virtualization, then build a system that adds container capabilities to a Yocto Project image. Fetch containers from repositories, create recipes to embed containers into Yocto Project builds, and construct container images using the Yocto Project. Cover topics including virtualization technologies, class environment setup, basic container usage, embedding containers with and without manifests, and building containers from scratch. Gain practical experience through guided exercises and demonstrations over the course of this comprehensive 2-hour session.


YPS 2023.11 - 2023/11/28 - Rudolf Streif - User Space Hands-on Class - Embedded Containers

Taught by

Yocto Project

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