The Closed String Mirror Construction

Offered By: M-Seminar, Kansas State University via YouTube


Mirror Symmetry Courses Symplectic Geometry Courses Calabi-Yau Manifold Courses Enumerative Geometry Courses

Course Description


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Explore a lecture on the closed string mirror construction presented by Yoel Groman from Hebrew University at the M-Seminar, Kansas State University. Delve into the intricacies of 2n-dimensional symplectic Calabi-Yau manifolds equipped with Maslov 0 Lagrangian torus fibrations. Examine the modern interpretations of the SYZ conjecture and its implications for associated analytic mirror varieties. Investigate the proposed closed string mirror construction based on relative symplectic cohomologies of fibers. Consider the ongoing research on conditions under which this construction yields an n-dimensional rigid analytic variety with a non-Archimedean torus fibration. Gain insights into the connections between this construction and enumerative and homological mirror symmetry. This hour-long talk offers a deep dive into advanced topics in symplectic geometry and mirror symmetry for mathematicians and theoretical physicists.


Yoel Groman - The closed string mirror construction

Taught by

M-Seminar, Kansas State University

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