Working with Three.js Particle Systems - They're Awesome

Offered By: DesignCourse via YouTube


Three.js Courses Web Development Courses Particle Systems Courses Particle Effects Courses

Course Description


Dive into the world of Three.js particle systems in this 32-minute tutorial video. Learn how to create stunning particle effects, starting with the basics and progressing to more advanced techniques. Set up a Three.js project, work with object geometry, and explore different particle materials. Discover how to manipulate particle count, dispersion, and properties for dynamic visual effects. Experiment with blending properties, background colors, and rotating backgrounds. Implement interactive elements like mouse movement and time-based animations. Gain insights into CSS roles, rules, and clip paths for enhanced particle system designs. By the end of this introductory lesson, acquire the skills to create captivating particle effects and lay the foundation for more complex Three.js projects.


Getting Started
Object Geometry
Points Material
Position Array
Particles Mesh
Particle Count
Particle Dispersion
Particle Material
Cross Properties
Blending Properties
Changing Background Color
Rotating Background
Mouse Movement
Y Time
CSS Role
CSS Rule
Clip Path
Fall Down

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