Widening the Horizon One Goal at a Time

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


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Discover how passion fuels success in this inspiring TEDx talk by Ivan Vukomanović, Head Coach of Kerala Blasters. Journey from his days as a player to becoming one of football's most respected coaches. Learn how Vukomanović's approach to widening horizons extends beyond the pitch, impacting players and fans alike. Explore his philosophy of achieving results while fostering unity, and witness how his leadership transformed Kerala's Manjappada, reigniting the state's love for their club. Gain insights into the phenomenon of "Ivanism" and its effect on the squad, coaching staff, and supporters. This 17-minute talk, delivered at TEDxAJCE, offers valuable lessons on perseverance, leadership, and the power of passion in overcoming life's challenges.


Widening the Horizon One Goal at a Time | Ivan Vukomanović | TEDxAJCE

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