Why Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time

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TEDx Courses Biomedical Engineering Courses Weightlifting Courses

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Explore a controversial perspective on resistance training in this TEDx talk by biomedical engineer Dr. John Jaquish. Discover why he believes traditional weightlifting methods are ineffective for the majority of the population and learn about his alternative approach to muscle development. Examine the potential benefits of changing how we load the body to achieve physical growth comparable to professional athletes. Gain insights into Dr. Jaquish's research on bone density building technology and his X3 system, designed to build muscle faster with reduced joint injury risk. Understand how his methods are being applied by elite athletes and sports organizations. Note that this talk represents the speaker's personal views and business approach, which require further scientific investigation, and should not be considered as medical advice.


Why Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time | Dr. John Jaquish | TEDxMayfieldHS

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