Why We Never Got Our 40 Acres and a Mule

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


TEDx Courses Sustainability Courses Agriculture Courses Critical Thinking Courses United States History Courses Social Justice Courses

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Explore the historical context and modern implications of the unfulfilled promise of "40 acres and a mule" in this thought-provoking TEDx talk by Russell Thomas. Delve into the broader significance of agriculture beyond farming, and discover how reframing our understanding of this vital sector can lead to a healthier, more sustainable future. Learn from Thomas, a Budget Analyst with the USDA's Economic Research Service, as he draws on his experiences as a USDA 1890 scholar, study abroad participant, and active community member to provide unique insights into the intersection of agriculture, history, and social justice. Gain a fresh perspective on how agriculture impacts our daily lives and learn about the potential for positive change in this engaging 14-minute presentation.


Why We Never Got Our 40 Acres and a Mule | Russel Thomas | TEDxPVAMU

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