Why No One Knows If Photons Really Are Massless - What If They Aren't?

Offered By: Arvin Ash via YouTube


Physics Courses Particle Physics Courses Special Relativity Courses Causality Courses Cosmic Microwave Background Courses Photons Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intriguing question of whether photons truly have zero mass in this thought-provoking 13-minute video. Delve into the implications of potentially massive photons on our understanding of the universe, including the concept of maximum speed, causality, and observable cosmic phenomena. Learn why current experiments cannot definitively prove photons are massless and consider how a universe with massive photons might differ from our own. Gain insights into the relationship between advanced mathematics and physics, and discover how deepening your understanding of calculus can enhance your grasp of complex physical concepts.


Do photons have mass?
Why we presume speed of light is the maximum speed
If light is not the maximum speed, then what is?
Why don't we know whether photons are massless?
Wouldn't the universe collapse if photons had mass?
What would we see if photons had a significant mass?
So do photons have mass or not?
How to learn advanced math to learn physics in depth

Taught by

Arvin Ash

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