Why KVStoreMesh? Lessons Learned from Scale Testing Cluster Mesh with 50k Nodes Across 255 Clusters

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


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Course Description


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Explore the scalability challenges and solutions for Cilium Cluster Mesh in this insightful conference talk. Dive into a six-month project condensed into a concise presentation, examining how Cluster Mesh synchronizes information between clusters and why it faltered during a large-scale test involving 50,000 nodes across 255 clusters. Learn about the innovative use of kubemark in architecting the scale test to maintain cost-effectiveness. Discover how the new 1.14 beta feature, KVStoreMesh, addresses Cluster Mesh's scaling limitations, offering improved stability and expanded capabilities for connecting workloads across clusters.


Why KVStoreMesh? Lessons Learned from Scale Testing Cluster Mesh with 50k Nodes Across... Ryan Drew

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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