Why By-standing Poses the Greatest Threat to Our World
Offered By: TEDx via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the critical impact of bystander behavior on global issues in this thought-provoking TEDx talk by Jessica Hickman, a pioneering Workplace Culture Expert. Discover how silence and inaction can inadvertently pose the greatest threat to our world, even as changemakers create solutions and detractors spread fear. Learn valuable tools and strategies to become an "Upstander" - an individual committed to fostering thriving, respectful environments by actively combating bullying, harassment, and bystander behavior. Gain insights from Hickman's expertise as the founder of Bullyology and author of "Bullyologist: Breaking the Silence on Bullying" and "The Upstander Leader: How to Develop a Speak-Up Culture." Empower yourself to contribute positively to workplace culture and shape a future where respect and inclusivity are the norm.
Why by-standing Poses the Greatest Threat to Our World | Jessica Hickman | TEDxSwansea
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