Why Are We Excited About the Kitaev Model? - KITP Chalk Talk by Natalia Perkins
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating world of quantum spin liquids in this 43-minute KITP Chalk Talk by Professor Natalia Perkins from the University of Minnesota. Delve into the Kitaev model, an exactly solvable theoretical framework for quantum spin liquids proposed in 2006, and its potential applications in quantum information technology. Discover how this theoretical model might be realized in heavy transition metal ion materials and learn about recent efforts to gather experimental evidence for quantum spin liquids. Gain insights into the characteristic fingerprints of quantum spin liquid physics and understand the importance of spin fractionalization. Presented by an expert in theoretical condensed matter physics, this talk offers a unique opportunity to explore unconventional quantum phases in correlated materials and the interplay between charge, spin, and orbital degrees of freedom in electronic systems.
Why are we excited about the Kitaev model? ▸ KITP Chalk Talk by Natalia Perkins (Univ. of Minnesota)
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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