When Diversity of Life on Earth Tripled - GEO GIRL
Offered By: GEO GIRL via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event in this 22-minute video, which delves into the first significant and enduring increase in multicellular life diversity on Earth. Learn about the transition from Cambrian to Paleozoic fauna, and discover the multiple causes behind this event, including continental dispersion, active tectonics, climate changes, and increased predator-prey relationships. Examine the impacts of this diversification, such as more complex food webs, specialized ecosystems, and the shift from microbial to multicellular reefs. Gain insights into the evolutionary transitions between Ediacaran, Cambrian, and Paleozoic fauna, and understand how this event shaped the course of life on our planet.
What is the GOBE?
Leading up to the GOBE
Evolutionary Fauna Transitions
Ediacaran Fauna
Cambrian Fauna
Paleozoic Fauna
Multiple Causes of the GOBE
Warm, Nutrient-rich Conditions
Tectonics & Mountain Building
Gradual Cooling
‘Food’ & O2 Rise
Meteor Shower
Diversification Itself
Impacts of GOBE
More Stable & Resilient Ecosystems
Reef Transition & New Food Chains
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