What's Happening with Automotive Grade Linux and How Our Update to Yocto 5.0 Went - Lecture

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Automotive Grade Linux Courses Software Development Courses Embedded Systems Courses Operating Systems Courses Yocto Project Courses Open Source Courses

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Explore the latest developments in Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) and gain insights into the recent update to Yocto Project 5.0 in this informative conference talk. Learn about the features of the Quirky Quillback UCB release and get a preview of the upcoming Royal Ricefish version slated for Summer 2024. Discover the key enhancements and improvements in AGL's latest release, including the integration of Yocto Project LTS version 5.0. Benefit from the speakers' experiences as they share valuable lessons learned during the upgrade process from Yocto 4.0 to 5.0, providing practical knowledge for automotive software developers and engineers working with Linux-based systems in the automotive industry.


What's Happening with Automotive Grade Linux and How Our Update to Yocto 5.0 Went - Walt Miner, T...

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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