What I Thought Would Be My Worst Semester Became My Best

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


TEDx Courses Acting Courses Resilience Courses Directing Courses Personal Growth Courses Playwriting Courses

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Explore the unexpected transformation of a challenging teaching semester during the COVID-19 era in this 15-minute TEDx talk. Discover how robot air purifiers, poker, and shareholders intertwine with education as Maurisa Charest, an experienced actor and adjunct professor, shares her journey through the twilight zone between past and present teaching methods. Gain insights into adapting to unprecedented circumstances and finding success in unlikely situations. Learn how passion for acting, directing, and playwriting can enhance educational experiences and inspire both educators and students alike.


What I Thought Would Be My Worst Semester Became My Best | Maurisa Charest | TEDxNevinsLibrary

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