What Do Our Machines Think About Us While We Are at Conferences - Non-SCADA Story
Offered By: Kaspersky via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a thought-provoking conference talk that delves into the intriguing question of what machines think about us during conferences, focusing on non-SCADA scenarios. Join Andrey Suvorov, Sergey Soloviev, and Maxim Karpukhin as they present at the Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity Conference 2019, offering insights into industrial cybersecurity, automation, and digitalization. Discover the concept of "Rotation as a Service" and learn about Industrial IoT Gateways and the Savior Immune Gateway. Gain valuable knowledge from their first-hand experiences and understand the various levels of the story presented. Witness a live IIoT demo and explore the simulation aspect of industrial cybersecurity. Access accompanying slides for a comprehensive understanding of the topic and delve deeper into the world of industrial cybersecurity through additional resources provided by Kaspersky.
Traditional background
Modern background
Winning of 12 days
Automation vs digitalization
Rotation as a service
Industrial IoT Gateway
Savior Immune Gateway
What we did
First experience
Levels of the story
Sergey Savelyev
Maxim Zhdanov
Taught by
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