Was Climate Change More Extreme on Precambrian Earth vs Post-Cambrian Earth?

Offered By: GEO GIRL via YouTube


Geology Courses Climate Change Courses Earth Science Courses Atmospheric Science Courses Tectonics Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating differences in climate change between Precambrian and Post-Cambrian Earth in this 21-minute video. Delve into the major events of early Earth, including global snowball Earth and oxygenation events, and understand why these extreme occurrences did not continue into the Phanerozoic Eon. Examine factors such as changes in solar output, atmospheric composition, absence of plants and animals, and varying tectonic regimes that influenced Earth's climate over billions of years. Consider whether the perception of a more extreme early Earth is accurate or possibly an illusion of geologic time. Gain insights into Earth's complex history and contemplate its potential future climate patterns.


Extreme events in the Precambrian
Oxygenation & snowball Earth correlations
Why were Precambrian events more extreme?
Precambrian atmosphere
Precambrian solar output
Precambrian life
Precambrian ocean circulation
Precambrian tectonics
Why is modern Earth less extreme?
OR is it all an illusion?

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