Viability of Kubernetes Community LTS

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


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Course Description


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Explore the viability of a Kubernetes community Long-Term Support (LTS) solution in this informative conference talk from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Delve into the key questions that the Working Group on LTS needs to address to determine the feasibility of a community-driven LTS. Analyze the results of the Kubernetes upgrade survey to understand the challenges end users face during upgrades. Examine existing solutions for upgrade-related problems and identify potential roadblocks preventing their adoption. Investigate how an LTS-type solution could address these issues and weigh the costs of implementing such a solution. Consider the possibility of collaborating on an unofficial fork while awaiting an official community solution. Gain valuable insights into the future of Kubernetes support and maintenance strategies in this 52-minute presentation.


Viability of Kubernetes community LTS

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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