Human Brain Chimeroids as Avatars to Study Interindividual Variation in Response to Disease Risk

Offered By: Broad Institute via YouTube


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Explore cutting-edge research on human brain chimeroids in this 29-minute conference talk from the Variant to Function Symposium. Delve into Dr. Paola Arlotta's presentation, "Human brain chimeroids as avatars to study interindividual variation in response to disease risk," as she discusses innovative approaches to understanding brain development and disease. Learn how these advanced models serve as avatars for investigating individual differences in susceptibility to neurological disorders. Gain insights into the latest advancements in stem cell and regenerative biology from Dr. Arlotta, an Institute Member, Departmental Chair, and Golub Family Professor at Harvard University. Discover the potential implications of this research for personalized medicine and the future of neuroscience.


Variant to Function Symposium: Paola Arlotta

Taught by

Broad Institute

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