Uterus Ultrasound: Normal vs Adenomyosis Images - Diffuse and Focal Types - Gynecological USG Scan

Offered By: Dr. Sam's Imaging Library via YouTube


Ultrasounds Courses Radiology Courses Medical Imaging Courses Gynecology Courses

Course Description


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Explore the ultrasound imaging characteristics of normal uterus and adenomyosis in this comprehensive gynecological video. Learn to distinguish between diffuse and focal types of adenomyosis through detailed case studies. Examine key ultrasound features such as heterogeneous uterus appearance, thickened myometrium, myometrial cysts, asymmetrical myometrial thickening, and the distinctive Venetian blind appearance. Understand the significance of poorly defined endometrial-myometrial junctions, junctional zone disruption, and hyperechoic islands in diagnosing adenomyosis. Gain insights into increased vascularity patterns observed through Doppler imaging. This 10-minute educational resource provides valuable knowledge for healthcare professionals involved in gynecological ultrasound scanning and diagnosis.


Diffuse Adenomyosis -
Focal Adenomyosis -

Taught by

Dr. Sam's Imaging Library

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