Using Devtool to Streamline Your Yocto Project Workflow

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Conference Talks Courses Yocto Project Courses Software Engineering Courses

Course Description


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Explore a comprehensive conference talk on streamlining Yocto Project workflows using Devtool. Dive into the tool's evolution since its initial release in Yocto 1.8, examining its current capabilities and future enhancements. Learn how Devtool simplifies creating, maintaining, and deploying packages built from source by the OpenEmbedded build system. Discover its functionality in both standard build environments and Extensible SDK, including modifying existing packages, creating new ones, deploying to targets, and adding recipes to bitbake layers. Follow along with a practical demonstration and gain insights into workspace management, common commands, layer creation, and project deployment. Benefit from the expertise of Tim Orling, a software engineer at Intel's Open Source Technology Center and long-time contributor to OpenEmbedded and the Yocto Project.


Devtool Demo
Workspace Overview
Most Common Commands
Creating Layers
Deploying to Target
Removing Workspace
Deploying Project
Real Layer Maintenance
Whats Next
Call to Action

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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