Update My Board - Integrating Open-Source Software Update Solutions

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Embedded Linux Courses Yocto Project Courses U-Boot Courses OpenEmbedded Courses SWupdate Courses

Course Description


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Explore a comprehensive conference talk on integrating open-source software update solutions for custom embedded Linux boards. Learn about established projects like SWupdate, Mender, aktualizr (libostree), and resin.io, and understand the steps necessary for integrating each with your custom hardware. Gain insights into the complexities of software updates for embedded devices and discover how these battle-tested solutions can simplify the process. The talk covers key requirements, Yocto/OE-core integration, U-boot configurations, and project-specific implementations. Ideal for embedded Linux developers with basic knowledge of software update concepts and Yocto/OE-core, this presentation provides valuable information for selecting and implementing the most suitable update solution for your custom board.


Session Overview
Mender (Requirements)
Mender (Yocto/OE-core)
Mender (U-boot)
libostree (Requirements)
libostree (meta-updater)
resin.io (u-boot)
Honorary Mentions

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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