Uno Platform - Your Apps Everywhere

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Android Development Courses iOS Development Courses C# Courses XAML Courses APIs Courses Windows Development Courses macOS Development Courses

Course Description


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Explore the Uno Platform for cross-platform application development in this NDC Porto 2022 conference talk by Martin Zikmund. Learn how to write all your code in C# and XAML, leveraging unlimited styling and templating capabilities, and access device hardware through a single API. Discover how this framework enables targeting mobile and desktop devices, as well as the web, allowing you to create applications for Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, and WebAssembly. Gain insights into simplifying the complex process of developing cross-platform apps and reducing the need for platform-specific code maintenance.


Uno Platfrom: Your Apps Everywhere - Martin Zikmund - NDC Porto 2022

Taught by

NDC Conferences

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