Unleashing Possibilities - Redefining Life

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


TEDx Courses Storytelling Courses Advocacy Courses Disability Rights Courses Spinal Cord Injuries Courses

Course Description


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Discover the inspiring journey of Shams Aalam Shaik Mohammad in this TEDx talk as he shares his experience with spinal cord injury and advocates for awareness and accessibility. Learn about the challenges faced by individuals with spinal cord injuries, particularly in rural India, and the importance of proper healthcare infrastructure and counseling. Explore the speaker's transformation from an international karate player to a record-breaking para-swimmer, highlighting the power of resilience and determination. Gain insights into the "We the 15" campaign, which aims to support the 15% of the world's population living with disabilities. Understand the critical need for accessible spaces in institutions, homes, and workplaces to improve the lives of people with disabilities. Be inspired by Shams' message that life after spinal cord injury is not over and that dreams can still come true with perseverance and support.


Unleashing Possibilities: Redefining Life | Shams Aalam Shaik Mohammad | TEDxWoxsenUniversity

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