Understanding Speech in the Face of Competition - Lecture 2008

Offered By: Center for Language & Speech Processing(CLSP), JHU via YouTube


Psychoacoustics Courses Aging Courses Cognitive Neuroscience Courses

Course Description


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Explore the complexities of speech perception in competitive environments through this 58-minute lecture by Barbara Shinn-Cunningham from Boston University. Delve into the mechanisms that allow humans to understand speech amidst masking sounds and competing signals. Examine the role of selective attention, auditory object formation, and top-down knowledge in overcoming perceptual challenges. Discover the implications for individuals with hearing impairments or age-related difficulties. Learn about cutting-edge research in auditory attention, sound source separation, spatial hearing, and perceptual plasticity. Gain insights into topics such as object formation, automatic streaming, selective attention, phonemic restoration, and cross-modal attention. Understand how these processes evolve over time and contribute to our remarkable ability to communicate in complex auditory environments.


Visual domain
Object formation
Object selection
Phone number
Natural Givers
Grouping Across Time
Automatic Streaming
Error Bars
Selective Attention
Spatial Filter
Continuous Stream
Cocktail Party
How much does context matter
Phonemic restoration
Spatial percept
The Wawa Experiment
Cross modal attention

Taught by

Center for Language & Speech Processing(CLSP), JHU

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