Under the Sea - Exploring Seashells and Marine Life

Offered By: The Royal Institution via YouTube


Marine Biology Courses Marine Conservation Courses Ocean Exploration Courses

Course Description


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Dive into the fascinating world of marine biology with this captivating talk by Helen Scales. Explore the intricate world of seashells and the extraordinary creatures that create them. Discover surprising facts about hermit crabs' social behaviors and learn how butterflies adapted to aquatic environments. Uncover the secrets of shell-stealing octopuses and blood-sucking snails that prey on sharks. Gain insights into the diverse and often bizarre lives of molluscs through interactive discussions and engaging storytelling. Benefit from the expertise of Helen Scales, a marine biologist, writer, and broadcaster who combines scuba diving, exploration, and a passion for ocean conservation in her work. Enhance your understanding of marine ecosystems and the importance of protecting our oceans through this informative and entertaining presentation.


Under the Sea - With Helen Scales

Taught by

The Royal Institution

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