Unseen at Last - The Black Hole in M87 by Rajaram Nityananda
Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Course Description
DATE: 29 April 2019, 16:00 to
Unseen at last: the black hole in M87
Michell / Laplace calculation
M87 is a galaxy with ten times as many stars as our own Milky Way
A lens forms an image by collecting the waves from all points on its aperture
1 parsec = 3.26 light years
Angular resolution needed to see the black hole
Very Long Baseline interferometry
Best "picture" of M87 before the EHT image
Broken Lens equivalent to EHT
From 'Einstein Centenary Symposium' 1980
Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place
Accretion on to a black hole
Conserving angular momentum and dissipating energy : rubbing two rings together
Photon orbits near a black hole
Status and prospects
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
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