Automated Snap Package Build Processes Without the Build Service - Ubuntu Summit 2022

Offered By: Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube


Ubuntu Courses GitHub Actions Courses Continuous Integration Courses Systemd Courses Build Automation Courses GitLab CI Courses Snapcraft Courses

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Explore automated Snap Package build processes without using the Build Service in this conference talk from Ubuntu Summit 2022. Discover how to leverage OCI images containing snapcraft, snapd, and systemd for custom CI pipelines in GitHub Actions and GitLab CI. Learn techniques for building proprietary apps and open-source projects with greater flexibility, including pre-release Snap creation without disrupting stable builds. Gain insights into fine-tuned build customization options that surpass the limitations of the snapcraft.io Build Service, all while maintaining source code privacy when necessary.


Ubuntu Summit 2022 | Automated Snap Package build processes without the Build Service

Taught by

Ubuntu OnAir

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