Data Analysis with SQLite and Python

Offered By: PyCon US via YouTube


PyCon US Courses Data Analysis Courses Python Courses SQL Courses SQLite Courses Cloud Deployment Courses Data Exploration Courses

Course Description


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Explore the power of SQLite and Python for data analysis in this comprehensive tutorial from PyCon US. Learn to harness the capabilities of the world's most widely used database, which has been part of the Python standard library since 2006. Transform into a SQLite power-user by mastering its integration with Python, advancing your SQL skills, and leveraging libraries like sqlite-utils and tools such as Datasette. Dive into hands-on exercises covering the sqlite3 module, SQL basics and advanced features, database manipulation with sqlite-utils, and data exploration and publishing with Datasette. Discover the Baked Data architectural pattern for building and deploying data applications to the cloud. Aimed at beginner-to-intermediate Python users with basic SQL knowledge, this 2-hour 46-minute session equips you with a powerful toolkit for productive data exploration, analysis, and publication.


Tutorials - Simon Willison: Data analysis with SQLite and Python

Taught by

PyCon US

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