Tricuspid Valve Stenosis & Regurgitation
Offered By: Ninja Nerd via YouTube
Course Description
Delve into a comprehensive 37-minute video lecture on Tricuspid Valve Stenosis and Regurgitation presented by Professor Zach Murphy. Explore the causes, pathophysiology, clinical features, physical examination findings, diagnostic methods, and treatment options for both conditions. Gain in-depth knowledge about the distinct characteristics of tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation, including their impact on cardiac function and patient symptoms. Learn to identify key physical exam findings and understand the importance of various diagnostic tools in assessing tricuspid valve disorders. Discover the latest treatment approaches, from medical management to surgical interventions, to improve patient outcomes in tricuspid valve diseases.
Tricuspid Valve Stenosis & Regurgitation Introduction.
Causes and Pathophysiology.
Clinical Features and Physical Exam: Tricuspid Stenosis.
Clinical Features and Physical Exam: Tricuspid Regurgitation.
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Taught by
Ninja Nerd
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