Transport and Efficient Energy Conversion in Quantum - Tilman Esslinger
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a conference talk on transport and efficient energy conversion in quantum systems, focusing on cold atoms and thermoelectric effects. Delve into the study of Lithium Fermi Gas, measurement techniques, and single-channel theories. Examine the basic ideas behind thermoelectric effects and their secret implications. Investigate experimental results on thermal power and the Lorentz Number. Gain insights into the intersection of statistical physics, condensed matter, and atomic physics, as well as the application of quantum information concepts to understand thermodynamical principles. Discover recent advances in creating optimal protocols for energy and information transport in quantum coherent systems with novel degrees of control.
Cold Atoms
Lithium Fermi Gas
Single channel
Two theories
Thermoelectric effects
The basic idea
The secret effect
Thermal Power
Lorentz Number
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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