Translation-Enriched Z2 and U-1 Spin Liquids - Xueyang Song
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the latest developments in quantum condensed matter physics through this 46-minute conference talk by Xueyang Song from MIT. Delve into the intricacies of translation-enriched Z2 and U(1) spin liquids, part of a broader discussion on the interplay between topology, symmetry, and interactions. Gain insights into recent theoretical and experimental advancements in this rapidly growing field, including the effects of correlations on topological insulators, the role of symmetry in correlated topological phases, and the potential of Moire heterostructures. Examine the connections between higher-order topology and fracton systems, and consider how topology might provide a framework for understanding strongly correlated gapless phases. This talk, presented at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, offers a unique opportunity to engage with cutting-edge research and contribute to the ongoing dialogue in quantum condensed matter physics.
Translation-enriched Z2 and U(1) spin liquids ▸ Xueyang Song (MIT)
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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