Towards an Open, Reasonable Web
Offered By: Strange Loop Conference via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the convergence of web technologies towards static typing and JavaScript compilation in this Strange Loop Conference talk. Dive into ReasonML's promise of combining OCaml's robust type system with a fast JavaScript compiler. Learn about Reason's growing popularity, its open-source community efforts, and the development of bindings for JavaScript libraries. Discover how Reason fulfills the "write once, run anywhere" promise through its native package manager and UI framework. Examine Reason's internals, language evolutions, and the challenges of open-source development in new technical frontiers. Gain insights into Reason projects like revery and wonka, and understand the potential impact of ReasonML on cross-platform development and the future of web technologies.
Who am I
Opensource is our identity
Static typing
Type checkers
Community frustration
WebAssembly spec
ReasonML Discord
ReasonML syntax changes
Buccal script
Guaranteed type soundness
Typescript code
Reason code
Reason open source
Crossplatform Libraries
Wonka Code
Why Not Rewrite the Web
Can You Generate WebAssembly
Taught by
Strange Loop Conference
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