TK8 Masking Workshop - Luminosity, Zone, Color, and Saturation/Vibrance Masks

Offered By: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly via YouTube


Image Editing Courses TK8 Plugin Courses

Course Description


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Explore advanced masking techniques in Photoshop with this comprehensive TK8 Masking Workshop tutorial. Learn to create and utilize Luminosity, Zone, Color, and Saturation/Vibrance masks to enhance your photo editing skills. Follow along as the instructor demonstrates practical applications using free Adobe Stock images, covering topics such as midtones adjustment, sky masking, and color-based selections. Gain valuable insights into the differences between various masking methods and discover how to leverage these powerful tools to achieve professional-quality results in your digital photography workflow.


Midtones Mask
Lighten Midtones
Zone Masks
Luminosity vs Zone Mask
Masking the Sky
Color Mask
Vibrance Mask
Saturation Mask

Taught by

The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly

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