Making Relational Cool Again - JavaScript on ACID
Offered By: JSConf via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the resurgence of relational databases in JavaScript development through this JSConf US 2015 talk by Tim Griesser. Discover how Node.js can be effectively utilized for traditional web applications using SQL databases. Learn about the benefits of ACID transactions in asynchronous JavaScript environments and gain insights into maintaining a well-organized data layer for hybrid single-page and server-rendered applications. Uncover tips and tricks for working with relational database management systems (RDBMS) in modern JavaScript development, challenging the notion that NoSQL is the only way forward. Dive into Griesser's journey of advocating for SQL databases in the Node.js ecosystem and understand how they can still be relevant and powerful tools for web development in the JavaScript world.
Tim Griesser: Making Relational Cool Again (or: JavaScript on ACID) | JSConf US 2015
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