Tidal Depositional Environments and Stratigraphy - GEO GIRL
Offered By: GEO GIRL via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating world of tidal depositional environments and stratigraphy in this comprehensive 23-minute video. Delve into the processes that shape ocean margins, examining how tides influence sediment deposition and the formation of unique sedimentary structures. Compare waves and tides, understanding their distinct impacts on sediment movement. Learn about spring and neap tides, global tidal ranges, and various tidal sedimentary structures including laminations, cyclic rhythmites, and tidal dunes. Investigate lenticular, wavy, and flaser bedding, as well as flood and ebb deposition patterns. Discover diverse tidal environments such as tidal flats, deltas, and estuaries. Analyze stratigraphic columns typical of tide-dominated depositional settings and explore trace fossils that help identify these environments in the field. Gain valuable insights into tidal processes and their geological significance through modern and ancient examples.
What affects tidal environments?
Tides vs. waves?
What causes tides?
Spring vs. neap tides
Tidal range
Where are tides the largest? Smallest?
Tidal deposition/laminae/rhythmites
Tidal sedimentary structures flood vs. ebb tides
Tidal dunes and ripples
Preserved tidal dune outcrop
Lenticular, wavy, & flaser bedding formed by tides
Tidal environments: tidal deltas
Tidal environments: tidal estuaries
Tidal environments: tidal flats
Tidal stratigraphy
Tidal dune stratigraphy
Tidal channel stratigraphy
Trace fossils in tidal depositional environments
Taught by
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