Throw Away Your Xbox - The Future of Games Is Written in JavaScript

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Game Development Courses Javascript Courses WebGL Courses WebGPU Courses

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Explore the evolution of web-based gaming in this captivating conference talk from NDC London. Delve into the journey from early Flash games to cutting-edge web technologies like WebGPU, WebGL, WebTransport, and WebWorkers. Discover how modern browsers can instantly transport players into immersive 3D multiplayer experiences. Learn why JavaScript is poised to become the future of gaming, challenging traditional console platforms. Gain insights into how the web, originally designed for document sharing, has transformed into a powerful gaming platform. Witness the potential of browser-based gaming and understand why dedicated gaming hardware may become obsolete in the face of advancing web technologies.


Throw away your Xbox - The future of games is written in JavaScript - Opher Vishnia - NDC London

Taught by

NDC Conferences

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