Theory of the Non-Abelian Quantum Hall States - Lecture 3

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Quantum Hall Effect Courses Quantum Information Courses Condensed Matter Physics Courses Topological Quantum Computing Courses Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Courses Conformal Field Theory Courses Anyons Courses

Course Description


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Delve into the advanced concepts of non-Abelian quantum Hall states in this third lecture by Eduardo Fradkin. Explore the intricate theory behind these exotic quantum states of matter, which hold promise for topological quantum computation. Gain insights into the unique properties of non-Abelian anyons, their potential applications in quantum information processing, and the mathematical frameworks used to describe them. Examine the connections between condensed matter physics and quantum information theory, and understand how these non-Abelian states could provide robust platforms for encoding and manipulating quantum information. Suitable for graduate students and researchers in condensed matter physics, quantum information, and related fields, this lecture is part of the "Condensed Matter Meets Quantum Information" program organized by the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences.


Theory of the Non-Abelian Quantum Hall States (Lecture 3) by Eduardo Fradkin

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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