The Zen of Programming
Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube
Course Description
Embark on a personal journey towards writing beautiful code in this inspiring conference talk. Explore the evolution of programming paradigms, languages, and frameworks over four decades. Delve into key concepts like simplicity, productivity, and the addictive nature of coding. Examine the importance of lightweight approaches, time management, and questioning the necessity of features. Investigate architectural adaptability, the myth of best practices, and various testing methodologies. Learn about monadic code, passive and active testing, and the value of hands-on experience. Reflect on the challenges of change and discover your own path to achieving programming zen.
Being a travelist
Being a codist
The zen of programming
How does learning work?
Learning & unlearning
A quest for super simple code
The wall in the desert
The end of "productivity"
Code lives in your head
Programming is addictive
Always travel light
You can only spend your time once
Do we really need this now?
Simplicity rules
Architect to adapt
There are no best practices
Monadic code
Unit testing
Passive testing
Testing a design
Active testing
Learn by doing
Some people like change. Others don't.
Taught by
GOTO Conferences
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