The QCD Axion - Lecture 1

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Particle Physics Courses Dark Matter Courses Lattice QCD Courses

Course Description


Explore the intricacies of the QCD Axion in this comprehensive lecture by David Marsh from the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into topics such as the Strong-CP problem, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and the chiral anomaly. Learn about axion ingredients, the PQ Lagrangian, and axion-fermion coupling. Examine the QCD axion potential, ChPT and axion mass, and lattice QCD applications. Discover various QCD axion models and constraints in this 1 hour 29 minute presentation, part of a program on less-traveled paths of dark matter focusing on axions and primordial black holes.


The QCD Axion Lecture 2
Selected Reading
The OCD "0-term
Neutron EDM
The Strong-CP problem
Fine tuning in theoretical Physics
Cleaning up the mess
Axion Ingredients
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
The PQ Lagrangian
Axion-Fermion Coupling
The Chiral Anomaly
is a dynamical field
QCD Axion Potential
OCD Axion Potential
ChPT and the Axion Mass
DILG and Finite-T
QCD Axion Potential
Lattice QCD and xT
QCD Axion Models
QCD Axion Constraints

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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