The Power of Function Composition
Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricacies of function composition and combinators in this comprehensive conference talk from NDC Oslo 2024. Delve into a masterclass covering various "composition strategies" employed in languages such as Haskell, APL, J, KAP, Jelly, Uiua, and Clojure. Gain insights into the most common combinators and learn about the patterns where they prove most effective. Discover everything you need to know, and perhaps even aspects you didn't realize you wanted to understand, about function composition in this 59-minute presentation by Conor Hoekstra. Enhance your understanding of functional programming concepts and broaden your perspective on software development techniques across multiple programming languages.
The Power of Function Composition - Conor Hoekstra - NDC Oslo 2024
Taught by
NDC Conferences
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