The No Cloning Theorem in Quantum Mechanics - Full Proof Explained

Offered By: MinutePhysics via YouTube


Quantum Mechanics Courses Quantum Teleportation Courses Tensor Products Courses Schrödinger's Cat Courses Quantum Superposition Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating world of quantum mechanics in this 10-minute video that presents a comprehensive proof of the No Cloning Theorem. Delve into the concept of why it's impossible to clone Schrödinger's cat, using an accessible approach that replaces the stereotypical qubit. Discover how the linearity of quantum transformations and the tensor product of multiple systems demonstrate the impossibility of perfect cloning, while still allowing for quantum teleportation. Gain insights into superpositions, composite systems, and transformations as you follow the step-by-step proof by contradiction. Learn about the history of Schrödinger's cat, optimal quantum cloning, and related concepts in this engaging MinutePhysics production.


CLONING (Physics)
Composite Systems
Transformations Distribute
No Cloning Preliminaries
Cloning Machine
Cloning a Superposition
Proof by Contradiction

Taught by


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