The Multifaceted Aspects of Nutrition in Connective Tissue Diseases

Offered By: ERN ReCONNET via YouTube


Nutrition Courses Pharmacotherapy Courses Circadian Rhythms Courses Mediterranean Diet Courses Connective Tissue Diseases Courses

Course Description


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Explore the crucial role of nutrition in managing connective tissue diseases (CTDs) in this 50-minute webinar presented by Prof. Maurizio Cutolo. Discover optimal nutritional components and lifestyle choices to prevent unhealthy diets that may act as risk factors for rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Gain insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in CTDs, including circadian rhythms and chrononutrition. Learn about the impact of various nutrients and beverages on disease course and expression of CTDs. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of different diets, with a focus on the Mediterranean diet. Understand the complex interplay between nutrition, gut microbiota, pharmacotherapy, and physical activity in RMDs and their influence on disease outcomes. Benefit from the expertise of Prof. Cutolo, a distinguished rheumatologist and researcher with extensive experience in the field of rare connective tissue diseases and rheumatology.


The multifaceted aspects of nutrition

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