The Moire the Merrier - Introduction to Moiré Materials in Quantum Physics

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Moire Materials Courses Quantum Mechanics Courses Condensed Matter Physics Courses Theoretical Physics Courses Quantum Phenomena Courses Quantum Materials Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fascinating world of moiré materials in this 45-minute chalk talk by Urban Seifert from the University of Cologne. Delve into the realm of quantum materials and their exotic states of matter, examining macroscopic phenomena directly linked to fundamental quantum-mechanical effects like entanglement. Discover how stacking two atomically thin materials creates moiré materials, offering unprecedented experimental tunability for physicists to engineer and observe a wealth of quantum phenomena. Learn about the potential technological applications of these materials and the novel theoretical questions they raise. Gain insights from Urban Seifert's expertise, developed through his studies in physics and applied mathematics, his PhD from TU Dresden, and his postdoctoral work at ENS Lyon and KITP. Understand the significance of moiré materials in advancing our understanding of quantum mechanics and their potential impact on future technologies.


The Moire the Merrier ▸ #KITP Chalk Talk by Urban Seifert (University of Cologne)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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