The Moessner Miracle - Why Wasn't This Discovered for Over 2000 Years?
Offered By: Mathologer via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating Moessner Miracle in this 26-minute video lecture. Discover a mathematical gem uncovered just 70 years ago that, despite its accessibility and intrigue, remains largely unknown. Learn how to construct your own proof, delve into additional remarkable facts, and examine Post's proof of this theorem. Gain insights into the connections between Moessner's result and super-factorials, higher-dimensional Pascal's triangles, and more. Challenge yourself to write a program transforming highlighted integer sequences into Moessner sequences. Access additional resources, including a comprehensive bibliography and related proofs, to further your understanding of this captivating mathematical concept.
Chapter 1: Making our own proof.
Chapter 2: Some more amazing facts.
Chapter 3: Post's proof.
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