The Laws of Life, Time and Chance

Offered By: Santa Fe Institute via YouTube


Physics Courses Thermodynamics Courses Systems Biology Courses Cellular Biology Courses Computational Biology Courses Stochastic Processes Courses Probability Theory Courses Scaling Laws Courses Mathematical Biology Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fundamental physics of living systems in this 48-minute lecture from the Santa Fe Institute. Delve into the challenging task of creating a predictive mathematical framework for understanding life and time using the language of chance. Discover how Srividya Iyer-Biswas applies a top-down physics approach to uncover basic physical laws governing probabilistic behavior in single cells. Learn about predictive scaling laws for stochastic cell growth and division, and the emergence of a scalable cellular unit of time. Examine the extension of these concepts to organismal computation thermodynamics, cellular decision-making, and complex biological and social phenomena. Gain insights into Iyer-Biswas's interdisciplinary work combining theory and application across physics and biology, aimed at advancing our understanding of living systems' fundamental physics.


The Laws of Life, Time and Chance

Taught by

Santa Fe Institute


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