The Language of Actors

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Software Development Courses Concurrency Courses Reactive Systems Courses Asynchronous Messaging Courses Actor Model Courses Domain-driven Design Courses Event Storming Courses

Course Description


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Explore the significance and relevance of the Actor Model in modern software development through this 49-minute conference talk by Vaughn Vernon at Devoxx. Delve into the historical context of the Actor Model, its relationship with object-oriented programming, and its crucial role in addressing current and future computing challenges. Discover how actors align with Domain-Driven Design principles, facilitate the use of Ubiquitous Language in core business domains, and enable reactive scaling for concurrent systems. Learn about the advantages of actors in simplifying complex architectures, embracing asynchronous messaging, and promoting lock-free, share-nothing designs. Gain insights into implementing Domain-Driven Design with actors, including techniques like event storming and aggregate modeling. Understand the concept of Reactive Systems and how actors contribute to building resilient, responsive, and scalable software solutions.


The Language of Actors
Rear Admiral Grace Hopper
Donald Knuth
1973 - 2003
Cores Matter
Threading Is Hard!
Dr. Carl Hewitt
Carl Hewitt, 1973
Joe Armstrong, Erlang
Jonas Bonér, Akka
José Valim, Elixir
Actors Are Reactive
Reactive Is
Why the Actor Model Now?
Because Cores
Embrace Latency
Direct Asynchronous Messaging
Lock-Free, Share Nothing
Become: Prepare for Next Message
Actor System
Actor Concurrency
How Many Actors?
Typical Architecture
Complexity Stack
Simplicity Stack
Eric Evans, DDD
Essence of DDD
Context Mapping
Responding to Rapid New Business Direction
How To DDD
Event Storming
Reactive Systems
Hello, Uncertainty!

Taught by


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