The Landscape of Multiphase Flows - KITP Blackboard Talk by Douglas Jerolmack

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Multiphase Flow Courses Communication Skills Courses Theoretical Physics Courses

Course Description


Explore the complex world of multiphase flows in this Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) Blackboard Talk presented by Douglas Jerolmack from the University of Pennsylvania. Delve into the scientific principles behind multiphase flows and their applications across various fields of physics. Gain insights into how these concepts contribute to maintaining the unity of theoretical physics, a key goal of KITP. Discover the importance of cross-program communication and interdisciplinary understanding as you learn from an expert in the field. Engage with this hour-long presentation designed to explain specialized scientific concepts to a broader audience of program participants, local scientists, and those outside the specific field of study.


The landscape of multiphase flows ▸ #KITP Blackboard Talk by Douglas Jerolmack (Univ. of Penn)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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